*Respect, collaboration and trust are the foundation for the continuing development of solid partnership between families and educators.
*Families, children and educators work together cohesively to benefit children learning.
*Family involvement is essential. Parent/carers work with educators to establish clear goals for the child.
*Are committed to open and constructive communication with families which includes discussions, meetings, daily communication and newsletters.
*Strive to have empathy and be responsive to family needs, and provide support when required.
*Encourage families to engage in meaningful participation within the program where possible. This includes joining in centre activities at a hands on level.
*Children are capable and resourceful learners who are active contributors to their own learning.
*Children need to be valued as individuals, within the context of their family and their own community.
*Children can develop self-esteem through a positive and secure environment. This environment includes the support of parental educators who are consistent and committed to their position as early childhood educators.
*Ensure our curriculum is child-focused and is based upon the principles outlined in the NSW curriculum framework and the National Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)-'Belong, Being, and Becoming.
*Ensure each child has a voice and actively contributes to the development of the curriculum through sharing their ideas and interests.
*Promote each children confidence and positive self-image through a range of provisions, experiences and opportunities that build upon their understandings, skills, values and sensitvities and promote success.
*Implement an inclusive approach to positively support children growth of identity, self-esteem and critical thinking.
*Set out individual and small group activities to achieve goals.
*Children learn through carefully planned activities that have been developed through observing the child's interest/needs.
*Children learn the best when they are encouraged to explore through play. Social skill development is essential as it lays the foundation for other skills such as the ability to resolve conflicts.
*The learning environment must include opportunities to encourage imagination, enhance social skills, and provide quiet reflective spaces.
*Diversity within our centre, families, educators and community should be respected and celebrated.
*Include activities in our curriculum that are responsive to the different learning styles of children. These include enquiry based learning activities as well as teacher initiated learning opportunities.
*Keep current written observations of children which form the foundation of the curriculum.
*Provide a focus on both the indoor and outdoor environment to encourage the children ability to observe, perceive, explore, investigate, imagine, make choices and problem solve.
*Provide attractive, well maintained play areas, with the thoughtful use of furnishings and displays.
*Introduce children to a wide range of social and cultural experiences, family types and different ways of doing things so they will learn to value diversity, and learn to accept challenges they may face.
*In employing staff who are committed to working for the best interests of children and families.
*That each staff member brings fundamental, personal qualities to the centre environment such as empathy, respect, warmth and a passion for learning.
*In the importance of creating an environment of collegiality where personal and professional contributions are valued, communication is open and confidentiality is maintained.
Provide opportunities for staff share in decision making and to obtain feedback.
*Provide a safe and comfortable working environment with release time for programming and other duties.
*Provide ongoing professional development for staff as we believe this demonstrates a commitment to our responsibilities as early children hood educators.
*We must strive to be a centre of excellence for easy childhood education within our community.
*As advocates for our profession, it is important to share our knowledge and experience
*In the importance of nurturing established relationships with community organisations, council and local schools.
*The needs of children, families, staff and the community are \constantly changing and that ongoing evaluation is essential to create a service that is responsive to those needs.
*We are a central link to information and support services within the wider community.
*Work to established guidelines set out by peak bodies including (but not limited to)
*The Australian Early Childhood Code of Ethics-Early childhood Australia.
*The National Quality Standards as defined by ACEQA